Laboratorio Urbano di Prossimità (LUP)

The Laboratorio Urbano di Prossimità (LUP) is a non-profit organization that proposes participatory processes at a community level to design interventions of urban renewal. LUP team members engage marginalized categories to put them at the centre of a push for urban sustainability, especially in peri-urban areas and in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Typically, LUP’s activities feature the co-design and co-realization of small-scale interventions of Tactical Urbanism and/or the reappropriation of abandoned urban spaces to provide function to decaying areas. The LUP promotes experimentations in the field of architecture, arts and urban storytelling.
Country: Italy
Instagram: @lup_associazione
Public Institution “eMundus”

Public institution “eMundus” was established in 2009 to streamline research and implementation activities in the area of education and the use and adaptation of information and communication technologies in different spheres. Since the beginning of 2012 the vision was supplemented taking very important aspect for the society development – cultural and healthy lifestyle promotion as well green activities and social responsibility development and fostering. The mission of eMundus is actively promote the knowledge society, while creating and developing services related to innovations, ICT as well cultural aspects, healthy lifestyle, practical adaptation of them in education and community activities, seeking to ensure the quality of cooperation and unity between different generations and different social groups.
Country: Lithuania